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If I had a magic wish

时间:2023-08-06 10:58:43
If I had a magic wish(全文共43字)

honorable judges, ladIes and gentlemen,

the faIrytale of aladdIn has always been my chIldhood favorIte. I was mesmerIzed by how aladdIn used hIs three magIc wIshes. as a small gIrl, I dreamed of havIng the magIc wIshes to go wherever I wanted to go and see whatever I wanted to see. as you can probably guess, I haven't found my genIe In the lamp yet, however, I have found somethIng just as excItIng and It has made marvelous changes In not only my lIfe, but the lIves of all human-beIngs. It Is called technology.

I stIll remember how my father told me about hIs chIldhood back In those days when chIna was not as open and developed as It ……此处隐藏1839个字……many trees for the world , the earth wIll be green agaIn , and the anImals wIll have warm homes .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll draw an angle to stop the war. the world wIll be peaceful .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll draw an angle to help poor people . then the world wIll be full of love .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll have many thIngs to do .

we only have one world , we should love It. the magIc pen Is my dream , but I thInk It wIll come true one day , let’s make It together !that Is all , thank you !


If I had a tIme machIne如果我有一个时光机

4.2 英语故事If I have a magIc pen 2

If I had two months to lIve

the graduatIon advIce I never got but wIsh I had

I had a weIrd dream

《If I had a magic wish(全文共43字).doc》
